Networking Receptions

Venue Sourcing | Event Planning & Management | Guest Speakers | Entertainment

+44 (0)20 8351 9312

Networking Events

Today for success in business or on a individual career basis, networking and personal connections are more important than ever! It is for these reasons that networking events are increasingly popular and essential for many people to attend.

For certain events such as conferences, research shows it is often that chance of social interaction with peers that attracts attendees to the event in the first place.

So, if you are planning an annual conference or exhibiting at an annual tradeshow; it is essential to incorporate a networking element into the itinerary to maximise new opportunities.

Networking Events

Irrespective of whether you are looking to hold a reception in conjunction with another event or on a stand-alone basis. For clients and prospective customers or as a more social gathering of like-minded peers, we can offer you venue locations that are guaranteed to impress!

We take care of every aspect and oversee the event on the day, leaving you free to maximise your interaction and focus on the guests, rather than worrying about the event organisation.

Networking Events
  • Venue Sourcing - From outdoor spaces to historic buildings to funky industrial locations, to hotels, nightclubs and bars, to boat parties and cruises
  • Champagne Receptions | Evening Cocktails
  • Food Options including Canapés, Buffet & Bowl Food
  • Event Promotion | Guest Registeration & Administration
  • Themed Events | Artists & Entertainment
  • Guest Celebrities | Key Note Speakers
Please complete the enquiry forms below and our team will get back to you or call +44 (0)20 8351 9312